Baled HayOh, where, oh where, is my keyboard?”–Apron Girl

Summer seems busier than usual this year. A few less helping hands are around the yard; yet the chores remain faithful to the end, and unlike children they never leave. When I am particularly busy two things fall to the way-side: cooking and writing…

So I am finally at my keyboard for a brief interlude before I continue on. For the blueberries are ripe and the weeds keep growing and the hay is baled and… and… and…

The hot weather we’ve been having makes it difficult to get as much done as I would like during the day, so I focus on getting outside morning and evening for the tasks that get me hot, sweaty, and make me feel as though I am about to wilt. Early in the day, before the still air begins to warm I head outside to spray and pull weeds–heading indoors as it starts to get hot–and as evening settles in I revisit what might need to be done around the yard. There are times I would like to just “hang out” in the house and work on inside projects, but it really is okay that the yard needs my attention. Engaging in chores out-of-doors keeps me moving and has become part of my “resist getting old” program…

Regardless of considerably more outdoor work this time of year, I love the long days of summer and the glorious unfolding of the seasons God has put into place. Flowering trees and bushes that were visited by busy bees in early spring now showcase a bountiful harvest of delicious food, and as I tackle and complete my list of outdoor tasks I am hopeful for an equally impressive harvest!