After nearly thirty seven years of over-seeing a household, I have acquired tips I wish I could have known years ago. With a family that “never slept” due to five home schooled children and a husband that works from home, dishes, laundry, meals, and the required chores to sustain us never paused for even a moment. Sleep became a respite as the children got older, but oh my gosh, how I longed for and desperately needed as many short cuts as I could possibly devise.

With that in mind I have always kept my ears open to suggestions I could implement and am always eager to share them with anyone that might listen. Ideas that can make days full of the activities of life run more smoothly without compromising the final result are a treasure to be sure. Time is a precious commodity, especially when the cheery commotion and chaos of a loving family fill the air with sweet laughter. As the years pass and I draw from the reserve of ideas I have collected, I often hear myself say, “Did you know… ”

July 11, 2012